How they work

Peejamas work by combining the comfort of regular pajamas with the absorbency needed for nighttime potty training.

Peejamas have a built-in absorbent liner that can absorb 2-3 mild to moderate bedwetting accidents during the night. The liner is strategically placed in the center area of ​​the Peejamas to provide optimal protection.

When a child has an accident, the liner absorbs the liquid, preventing it from penetrating the outer fabric. Simply wash, dry, and reuse over 300 times!



One pair can be used

over 300 times

Peejamas are 1/3 the

cost of diapers per use

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Speed up the potty

training process

They are discreet and help

your child feel like a big kid.


Who are they for?

Peejamas are designed for children sizes 2T-8/9 who are on their potty training journey (we're working on larger sizes too!) They are recommended for families who are ready to move away from traditional diapers or pull-ups but still need some absorbency and protection. Peejamas provide a transition between diapers and regular underwear.

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